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Integration of Advanced Materials: from 3D Printing to AI Optimal Design?

  • Time 12/24/2020 10:30 AM - 12/24/2020 11:30 AM
  • Venue E210, Education Building of GTIIT
  • Speakers Prof. David Bassir (UTBM)


Integration of advanced materials in complex structure often require a parameter identification of the constitutive model. This process (also called update of model parameters) represents a challenge in term of modelling and optimization of these parameters. Building the best coefficients of the model are based either on observations, testing or simulation. The mathematical model resulting for this parameter identification leads to a complex optimization problem to solve. Many methods and strategies were developed based either on sensitivity analysis, heuristic methods, artificial neural networks (ANN), artificial intelligence (AI), etc.

In this presentation we will focus on the new strategies and methods used to integrate complex materials within structures with applications from Nano to Macro scales.



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David BASSIR is as Professor at the French University of Technology and Senior Researcher at the Mathematical Center & Applications (CMLA), CNRS -UMR 8536 –ENS Cachan (France). He's also a foreign expert for at the Chinese Academy of Sciences-GZIIT-CAS. Previously, he was the Dean of the University of technology (IUT) at the University of Lorraine (France), Consult for Science and Technology at the French Embassy to serve at the Consulate General of France in Guangzhou (China), General Director of Research at the Ecole Speciale des Travaux Publics, du Batiment et de l'Industrie (Paris) and Space Craft engineer at GECI Technology in different Space Agencies such as Arianespace (France) and Matra Marconi Space (Astrium Group). He joined the UTBM as Associate professor in 2001 and Technical University of Delft as visiting professor in 2008. He holds a Master and a PhD degree in structural optimization from the University of Franche-Comte (France), with the most honorable mention. He has published more than 150 papers in journals, books and conference proceedings, including more than 40 SCI journals. He serves as member of various expert committees in many international organizations and highly estimated scientific societies. Since 2012, he is the founder and the president of the Sino-french Association for Sciences and Technology.


1     Guessasma, S.; Belhabib, S.; Bassir, D.; Nouri, H.; Gomes, S. On the Mechanical Behaviour of Biosourced Cellular Polymer Manufactured Using Fused Deposition Modelling. Polymers 2020, 12, 2651.

2     Van Biesbroeck, A., Shang, F., & Bassir, D. (2020). CAD Model Segmentation Via Deep Learning. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2041005.

3     Bassir, D., & Salzenstein, P. (2020). Optimization of fiber to resonator coupling. Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications II, 11357, 113571P.

4     Abouzaid, K., Guessasma, S., Belhabib, S., Bassir, D., & Chouaf, A. (2018). Printability of co-polyester using fused deposition modelling and related mechanical performance. European Polymer Journal, 108, 262–273.

5     Grihon, S., Krog, L., & Bassir, D. (2009). Numerical optimization applied to structure sizing at AIRBUS: a multi-step process. International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, 3(4), 432–442.

6     Bassir, D. H., Tang, X. G., & Zhang, W. H. (2008). Material optimization with mixed variables based on genetic algorithm. International Conference on Engineering Optimizations.

7     Zhang, W., Dai, G., Wang, F., Sun, S., & Bassir, H. (2007). Using strain energy-based prediction of effective elastic properties in topology optimization of material microstructures. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 23(1).

8     Gao, T., Zhang, W. H., Zhu, J. H., Xu, Y. J., & Bassir, D. H. (2008). Topology optimization of heat conduction problem involving design-dependent heat load effect. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 44(14).



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