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1)     投标人将在2020年6月在一个地点拥有(部分或全部)60张学生宿舍床和/或在一个地点拥有55~70间公寓(可在不同地点租用学生宿舍),租期为2年,并可选择延长一年。

2)     研究生宿舍

A.     每个学生宿舍面积18~28㎡。

B.     每个学生都有一个单独的房间。

C.     最多3-4名学生将共用厕所、淋浴和厨房通道。

D.    配有洗衣设施。

E.     所有房间要有空调。

F.      研究生宿舍每层至少有一个厨房。

G.    一个供用餐和公共使用的公共空间。

H.    严格控制进入宿舍的通道,保安室空间足够大和闭路电视摄像机覆盖所有入口。

3)     员工住宿


4)     每间公寓和宿舍将配备西式厕所、淋浴、洗衣机和空调。

5)     每间公寓和宿舍都有热水器或24小时热水供应。

6)     每套公寓应有一个厨房。在离公寓75米以内的地方没有施工工程。

7)     提供24/7紧急服务。

8)     如果建筑物内没有电梯,公寓将不高于4楼。

9)     公寓必须保持良好的物理条件。北校区学生宿舍可作为装修标准。

10)  应在24小时内提供维修服务。该项服务的费用应包含在方案和报价中。(防滑瓷砖地板、乳胶漆墙、厨房和卫生间用墙砖)

11)  每12个宿舍提供一个餐饮和公共使用的公共空间。

12)  进入公寓的通道将受到严格控制和限制,保安室有足够空间和闭路电视摄像机覆盖所有入口。

2. 位置


3. 装修

    1)     冰箱/冰柜(至少200L)

    2)     所有房间配置空调

    3)     窗帘

    4)     洗衣机

    5)     热水器




GTIIT would like to rent apartments for 60 postgraduate students and  55-70 apartments for the faculty and staff due to the faculty and students accommodation needs. In order to fully understand the general situation of rentable apartments that meet the requirements of our university. We now kindly invite the owners of hotels and apartments who meet the following requirements to participate in the pre-bidding quotation.

 Project Requirements

1. General Requirements

1)     The bidder will have (part or all of) 60 student dorm beds at a single location and/ or 55~70 apartments at one location (can be different location to student dorms) available for rental in June 2020 for a period of 2 years with an option to extend for another year.

2)     Post Graduate Students Dorms

A.     The area of each student dorm should be 18~28m2

B.     Students each will have a separate room.

C.     Up to 3-4 students will share a toilet, shower and kitchen access.

D.    There will be access to laundry facilities.

E.     Air-conditioners in all rooms

F.      For postgraduate dorm, at least one kitchen for each floor.

G.    A shred space for dining and common use.

H.    The access to dorms will be strictly controlled, there will be space for a security guard and CCTV cameras to cover all entrances.

3)     Staff Accommodation

Around 15-20 Faculty apartments will have 3 bedrooms and a living room. Around 40-50 faculty apartments will be single room with one living room.

4)     Each apartment and dorm will have western style toilet, shower, wash machine and air-conditioner.

5)     Each apartment and dorm will have water heater or 24H hot water supply.

6)     Each apartment should have a kitchen. There will be no construction work at least 75 meters from the apartments.

7)     24/7 service for emergencies will be available.

8)     If there is no elevator in the buildings, the apartments will not be higher than 4th floor.

9)     The apartments need to be in good physical condition. Students dorm in GTIIT north campus can be used as a decoration standard.

10)  Maintenance service should be provided within 24 hours of service call. The fee for that service should be included within the scheme and quotation. (Anti-slip tiles flooring, Latex painted wall, wall tiles for kitchen and toilet)

11)  A shared space for dining and common use for every 12 units.

12)  The access to apartments will be strictly controlled and limited, there will be space for a security guard and CCTV cameras to cover all entrances.

2. Location 

The apartments will be no further than 4 km by road from GTIIT main campus.

3. Furnishing

1)   Fridge / Freezer (at least 200l)

2)   Air-conditioners in all rooms

3)   Curtains

4)   Washing Machine

5)   Water heater

Ⅲ Submission Instruction

Anyone who is interested should submit their scheme and quotation by 1st December 2019. Specific conditions/details of their own apartments should be listed respectively according to our requirements. Items should be marked with “satisfied” if meet the requirements, otherwise please indicate the actual situation and alternative plan. Payment requirements and service should also be listed in the scheme. If there is any advantage or disadvantage you want to clarified and take into our consideration, please list them in the scheme as well. If you have any question on the decoration standard and other requirements, please contact with us to schedule a visit of Students Dorm in GTIIT north campus.

Once all interested parties submitted their proposal a public bidding process will take place.



本科招生: 86-0754-88077088、88077060


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